A Word On FoleyGate
Brian Ross, the reporter who broke this story has stated on national television that Republicans brought the story to him. Hmmm. It seems to me that a party that knows it is about to lose power because it is riddled with unprecedented corruption, lied us into an illegal war, destroyed our country's image around the world, etc., etc., etc...would prefer to have their demise remembered as the result of an unfortunate sex scandal perpetrated by "one of those awful homosexuals who fooled us into thinking he was one of us." Much easier to recover from the latter public memory than the former.
The Republicans know what the polls are saying. They know they're going down anyway. Foleygate is damage control and an investment in their future. Just imagine every Republican talking head for the next two years and beyond, everytime they're asked about why they lost the 2006 election. The first words out of their mouths will be "we're being punished for the unfortunate actions of one person." And, the corporate media will be happy to assist them in their charade, moulding the false public memory that will allow the fascists a swifter return to power.
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