Support the Troops...MY ASS!
If you want to see exactly who the people are in this country that DO NOT support the troops, look for the cars with those Support Our Troops bumper stickers on them. This "support the troops" campaign was, from the beginning, an attempt to shame and marginalize people who are opposed to sending our young people into a bloody war without purpose and without end. The "support the troops" campaign was designed to make war possible, sending our troops to their certain death by silencing citizens who would stop our country from engaging in the senseless and illegal Iraq blood bath. Most people who sport these bumper stickers and ribbons on their cars are violence-worshiping, power-licking losers that love the idea of war. The troops, to them, are just objects to exploit in their war dreams quest. People who actually care about the lives of the troops and want them to stay well would never put one of these war-cheering stickers on their car.
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