Shower Curtain Chronicles: No Shit. Join The Club.

Shower Curtain Chronicles

Latex painted shower curtains make great, cheap, waterproof banners to display at demonstrations, over freeways or anyplace you want to take it to the anti-gay, anti-Constitution fascists. This blog will feature banners I've made over the years, commentary on the outrages du jour, general observations and accounts of the latest actions by our blog troop as we wield the bathroom accessory cum political billboard.

Friday, March 30, 2007

No Shit. Join The Club.

Yesterday morning saw a lot of early education boosters at the Capitol, a couple of which provided memorable conversations on the Senate stairs.
A woman wearing one of the ubiquitous green t-shirts trudged up the stairs to thank me for being there because her son is gay and has been partnered for ten years. She said her son would love to be protesting and asked if he and his partner would be welcome to join me. YES! they would! I gave her a Marriage Equality sticker which now has the Shower Curtain Chronicles url listed on it and told her session times are announced there and they can come whenever they want. I always have extra signs and stickers with me.
Another, somewhat weary woman with a bag full of photocopied handouts of a United Nations "bill of children's rights"(not sure of exact title) which included things like the right not to be killed, or starved, or used in the military, or enslaved, or sexually abused, and other horrors, came up to talk. She gave me some handouts and told me that this document has been ratified by the entire world except for Sudan...and the United States of America. She told me sometimes she feels she'd be happier living in another country. No shit. Join the club.



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