Shower Curtain Chronicles: Marriage Equality Bill To Be Dropped In Thursday - Really...This Is It

Shower Curtain Chronicles

Latex painted shower curtains make great, cheap, waterproof banners to display at demonstrations, over freeways or anyplace you want to take it to the anti-gay, anti-Constitution fascists. This blog will feature banners I've made over the years, commentary on the outrages du jour, general observations and accounts of the latest actions by our blog troop as we wield the bathroom accessory cum political billboard.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Marriage Equality Bill To Be Dropped In Thursday - Really...This Is It

I met with Senator Marty this morning and he said he will drop the bill in on Thursday morning, coordinating the drop-in with Rep. Kahn. That means the bill will be introduced on Friday. Senator Marty took some pride in the fact that this bill means Minnesota will take the lead in the Upper Midwest in the legislative push for Marriage Equality. Indeed.

As I told many legislators while I was in the process of gathering sponsors, "this bill is an effort to turn the train around and get it headed in the right direction." No matter what happens with this bill after it is introduced on Friday, the train will be turned.



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