Shower Curtain Chronicles: Oh, That's What A Bus Looks Like Underneath!

Shower Curtain Chronicles

Latex painted shower curtains make great, cheap, waterproof banners to display at demonstrations, over freeways or anyplace you want to take it to the anti-gay, anti-Constitution fascists. This blog will feature banners I've made over the years, commentary on the outrages du jour, general observations and accounts of the latest actions by our blog troop as we wield the bathroom accessory cum political billboard.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Oh, That's What A Bus Looks Like Underneath!

Well, according to Andy Birkey at Eleventh Avenue South we were completely shut out of this legislative session in terms of accomplishing any steps toward equality for same-sex couples. Even the hospital visitation measure, with the basic decency it represented, was just too much respect toward gays for the Republicans to bare and for the DFL to prioritize. What a disgrace.

I sincerely believe that both parties are out of touch with the sensibilities of the average Minnesotan on gay issues. The DFL is immersed in the fear of being associated with queer rights and the contemptible Republicans use that fear to play the DFL like a dime store fiddle. The DFL should own it and bone it; the voting public would find it refreshing and respect their honesty. They did make a half-assed effort to adhere to Outfront's agenda but it wasn't enough and they did not press the issues with vigor. As Eva Young put it, we were "thrown under the bus" once again by the DFL.
But, it's important to remember that the real culprits here are the christofascist Republicans, unabashedly espousing values consistent with Naziism while making the degradation and oppression of gays a routine focus of their party's agenda.



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